Don’t judge this rum by its cover
Move over J. Wray and whoever his Nephew is, there’s a new overproof Jamaican rum in town and it’s on Fire.
Part of Hampden Estate’s relaunch, Rum Fire is pure unadulterated Jamaican rum in all its ester-full glory. Rum Fire has been in production since 2011 and we here in the United States could only enjoy it on the rare trip abroad. That is until early 2016 when it had its first US launch in Seattle. It quickly spread through the local tiki scene showing up in cocktail bars from Rumba to Tacoma Cabana.
Recently available in California, this Sunday, April 23rd celebrates the official launch of Rum Fire in California at the famed Smuggler’s Cove.
So what’s all the fanfare about:
The nose is quite striking with strong grassy and banana funk with a hint of pineapple.
At 126 proof you might expect a lot of heat but Rum Fire delivers in a slightly restrained manner with an ester blast and brief tropical fruit notes with a very quick finish.
How do I cocktail with it?
With its incredible funkiness you should start simple at first. Try a daiquiri with half portions of your favorite unaged rum (like Plantation 3 Star) and Rum Fire. Where it can really shine though is in the big fruity and boozy tiki drinks, think Painkiller, Zombie, Fogcutter, or Grog variation. Basically anything that is usually limit 2 on a drink menu Rum Fire can add some extra flavor too.
Find it now on our shop shelves or online in the Liquor Shop: Rum Fire
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