Old English Gin
When buying Gin in the 1700's and 1800's you'd be offered a simple choice: English Gin or Holland's Gin. Hollands Gin was known as Jenever, a 35% ABV juniper based sipping spirit, where English Gin was at a much higher ABV and with many more botanicals. English Gin was branded fancy names as Young Tom and Old Tom or named after the distillery or the distiller such as Plymouth, Warrington and Tanqueray.
At that time England was the largest importer of French Champagne, and since bottles were expensive and gin originally was a “poor mans spirit”, the champagne bottles would be reused and filled with gin for consumers to buy at the gin shops.
Hammer & Son Old English Gin is made from a 1783 recipe, distilling eleven botanicals in the oldest pot still being used in England today. Old English Gin will come in champagne bottles with a natural cork, organic wax and silk print as they did back in 1783. Old English Gin is produced with green power, and the only non-organic waste will be the bottle that should be disposed of for recycling – all to protect the environment. Bottled at 44% abv.